What I do


Let’s start optimizing your lifestyle today!

Work With Me. Your Time is Now!

Book a Free Call With Me! What Can I Do For You?
I Can Help Your Dream For Change Come True.
I Can Help You Become The Best Version of You!
It Starts With Just One Call -You And Me Right Now.
You Want Healthy Change? I Will Show You How! Book a Free Call With Me!

What Can I Do For You?

I Can Help You:

Dream For Change Come True.
Become The Best Version of You!

It Starts With Just One Call -You And Me Right Now.

You Want Healthy Change?

I Will Show You How!

Book a Free Call With Me!

My Name is John Allen Mollenhauer “JAM.” I’m an expert at helping people like you make healthy lifestyle changes that enhance performance.

I work with a wide range of clients who share a strong desire to change and the wisdom to know they need professional support to achieve a better quality of life.

I am the founder of Performance Lifestyle® Inc. – a leading-edge training and coaching practice that inspires, educates, and supports people in optimizing the way they live, with a particular emphasis on how to manage their energy, like the pro’s do.

Now, I want to help you!

I have a successful process and approach for helping people like you that are ready to make fundamental and healthy lifestyle changes that improve their performance, and success.

First, and most importantly, I start by working with you to better understand your present situation and circumstances while pinpointing your most important lifestyle gaps and strengths. As humans, we each have our own unique story and for that to change, we need to know how to change, improve and ultimately the way we live. I want to help you focus your energy and attention on the top areas that will yield the greatest results for you in a new approach to healthy growth.

I will help you:

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    RESOLVE the aspects of your lifestyle that are distracting
    and holding you back.

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    EVOLVE with the new lifestyle mindset and skillsets that ground your willingness to change and drives your success with an approach you can believe in.

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    ACHIEVE your life, career, or business goals by helping you function and perform at a much higher level without sacrificing your health, resilience, and wellbeing.

Unfortunately, there is no silver bullet the moment you decide to make real change in your life, but there is your lifestyle, which is the most direct path to your success. The fact that you are willing to open yourself up and explore your potential for change is a huge step. Celebrate that. Just do not let your willingness to change go to the wayside without taking some action now while the iron is hot.

Most people get caught up, often unknowingly, in lifestyle decisions that end up becoming destructive over a long period of time. This causes a wide variety of lifestyle-induced diseases as well as a low quality of life.

I know there are areas in your life that you want to address and I am here to help you identify and rectify those areas by helping you build new performance lifestyle habits that will literally change your life forever. But I won’t be able to help you without you taking the next step.

I have three, amazingly simple ways you can start a successful relationship with me, and you have to make the next move.

I promise you, that if you are committed to making new and healthy lifestyle changes, I will be your biggest fan and greatest supporter. Together, we can craft a new performance lifestyle plan that works for you and not against you.

FREE CONFIDENTIAL CALL – Let’s set a time and talk to each other about where you are and how I can help. It’s completely confidential and this is the best way to get started quickly so your willingness to change is met with my expert support and guidance. You can call me right now, Company: +1-855-697-5365 Direct Line: +1-862-216-7959, or choose a time for our call here using my online calendar. EMAIL INSIGHTS – Stay in touch with me, at the very least, by providing your first name and email address so I can send you highly valuable tips and insights on making healthy-driven lifestyle changes. I understand you may not be ready to take a big step forward and change can be scary but I promise you will not be bombarded with emails and I won’t pressure you to do anything you are not ready for. SIGN UP HERE

I want to thank you for taking the time to read a little about what I do, and more importantly, what I want to help do for you.

I am excited to help you optimize the way you live. Together, I know we can RESOLVE what’s holding you back, help you EVOLVE with the new lifestyle mindset and skill set, and ACHIEVE your goals, in the lifestyle that supports you and what you are up to in the world.

John Allen Mollenhauer “JAM”
Performance Lifestyle, Inc.

Picture of John Allen Mollenhauer

John Allen Mollenhauer

The HPL Podcast High Performance Lifestyle

Lifestyle Coach Jam

Lifestyle Coach JAM will help you live live your true potential by coaching you on how to change, improve, and optimize the way you live.

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