Transform Your Life, Business,
and Culture:

Pro-Level Biohacking Recovery Gear and Lifestyle Solutions for Optimizers, Trainers, and Coaches Ready to Lead the Future of High Performance.





Lifestyle ®


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Master the New Paradigm of a Balanced, Healthy High-Performance Lifestyle—Empower Your Life and Elevate Your Business!



John Allen Mollenhauer "JAM"

HI, I'M John Allen Mollenhauer "JAM", Co author of "The Curse of the Capable" , Founder of the Regenus Center, and Creator of the Balanced and Healthy, High Performance Lifestyle.

Welcome to Performance Lifestyle®—where extraordinary living isn't just a dream, it's your new reality.

If you’re a driven achiever—whether you’re a working parent, professional, or business owner—feeling overwhelmed or out of balance, we understand. You’ve sensed that your energy, health, and performance aren't fully aligned with your success goals, and you know there’s a better way.

You’re ready to go beyond the traditional, suboptimal lifestyles, beyond the basic fitness routines and health practices that just don’t cut it anymore. You want more than just surviving—you want to thrive as a healthy high achiever.

At Performance Lifestyle Inc, we focus on biohacking and lifestyle optimization, giving you the tools and knowledge to revitalize your body and manage your energy like a pro. This is how you start living a healthy, high-performance lifestyle—one that lets you avoid the pitfalls of fatigue, burnout, and sacrificing your health for success.

Even though we haven’t met yet, I bet I know a few key things about you… You’re ready for change, for growth, and for a lifestyle that supports every aspect of your ambition. We’re here to help you make it happen.

You’ve reached a level of financial success in your business or career that many dream of but few achieve. Yet inside, you feel like a dimmed version of your former self.

Your friends and colleagues see you as relentless, pushing through fatigue as if it were inconsequential. They might say you work “tirelessly,” but the truth is, you’re tired.

You love your family, but after meeting all the demands on you, there’s little energy left to give. You want to feel strong, in control, empathetic, and fun again.

Your body weight is creeping up despite your best efforts to stay lean and energetic, and your workouts feel like just another source of stress.

You’ve started to question your staying power as an entrepreneur, business owner, or top professional. Deep down, you know you won’t be content giving up your income, impact, and authority.

Sometimes, you try to convince yourself that it’s all okay, that it’s just your age, and everyone deals with this. But deep down, you know you’ve lost the spark, and you sense that this path isn’t sustainable.

You don’t want to spiral downward, especially not prematurely.

If any of this resonates with you, I have exciting news. It’s time to make the essential shift towards energy balance and vibrant health within a Performance Lifestyle.

You’re not Alone...

I understand exactly where you are because I’ve been there too. But I’m here to tell you, it doesn’t have to be that way—even if you still find yourself flirting with exhaustion, fatigue, and poor lifestyle habits now and then.

Over the past 20+ years as an entrepreneur, I’ve faced all of that. But each challenge became a doorway to an essential aspect of what is now called the Performance Lifestyle—a concept I discovered in elite athletics and developed for everyday achievers, whether you’re into sports, fitness, or simply striving for better in life.

When you embrace this lifestyle, living like an everyday athlete, you’ll experience a life-changing transformation, step by step. You’ll start implementing a powerful, never-before-assembled formula designed to help you become a healthy high achiever who not only flourishes but thrives.

You’ll feel naturally inspired and motivated to feed, fuel, nurture, rest, and train every part of yourself to support the daily demands of your life. And this will transform you, no matter where you are right now.

You’ve embraced the identity of someone who prioritizes their well-being, ensuring you have the energy and vitality to function and perform at your best.

You’ve established a lifestyle philosophy that guarantees high levels of naturally occurring energy, empowering you to live as the best version of yourself every day.

You’re grounded in your true potential, and for the first time in a long time, you feel yourself bouncing back—no longer depleting your energy by chasing unrealistic expectations or trying to be someone you’re not.

You can handle the inherent stress of your business or high-level career with grace and ease—not because of a quick fix or trendy steps, but because you’re deeply rooted in a balanced lifestyle, free from the pitfalls that often trap high achievers.

You no longer experience the anxiety of having to be at peak performance every single day. You understand how to recover and return to peak form, even when you need to slow down.

Your temper is no longer short; you’re more empathetic and present. Your partner and children feel valued and cherished, rather than merely tolerated as you once struggled with energy depletion.

You have the energy at night to enjoy life’s pleasures—whether it’s reading a book, having meaningful conversations with a friend, or sharing intimate moments with your life partner.

You possess an enviable level of energy and health, making you ready to take on new challenges with confidence.

Now, your success isn’t just something that looks good on the outside—it feels deeply satisfying on the inside, because you’ve cultivated the life force energy needed to sustain and enjoy it.

You can optimize your lifestyle in 36 Months.
A mere 3% of your lifetime.

How is this Possible?

Learn everything you need to know to get started creating this life for yourself in this free 16 Minute training on MyPL365



Success Without

Pursue That Ambitious Goal Still Within You with a Balanced, Healthy, High-Performance Lifestyle—Strive and Thrive Beyond the Old Limits!

Imagine achieving your goals without the usual exhaustion, burnout, or feeling worn out. Instead, focus on revitalizing your body and mastering the art of managing your energy like a pro.

This is how you unlock your true potential—by prioritizing your energy first and foremost. By doing so, we go far beyond conventional “executive” or “performance coaching”—we help you redefine what’s possible as you discover how to:

Overcome Chronic Tiredness and Fatigue: Wake up every morning feeling energetic and ready to tackle the day with renewed vigor.

Eliminate Burnout for Good: Break free from the relentless cycle of wearing yourself down, even if your days feel like they never end.

Enjoy Guilt-Free Time Off: Learn to switch off and relax without constantly worrying about what’s not getting done at work, allowing you to truly recharge your mind and body.

Banish Energy Anxiety: Make energy anxiety a thing of the past, even if you’re working 50, 60, or even 70 hours a week. Recapture your vitality and peace of mind.

Look, Feel, and Perform Like You’re 15 Years Younger: Achieve a rejuvenated appearance and performance level without relying on expensive treatments, extreme diets, or obsessive exercise programs that never truly work.

Live in Alignment with Your Purpose: Develop a lifestyle that fully supports your goals, aspirations, and what you’re up to in the world. Experience the clarity and drive that come from having your energy, health, performance, and lifestyle working in harmony, empowering you to achieve your highest potential.

We’ve helped dozens of successful MEN and leading women, just like you become



Mark Epstein

Past President, Treasurer, National Health Association, Entrepreneur

“As an entrepreneur in the financial markets I don’t have a whole lot of time, I’ve benefited a great deal from the strategies in the Performance Lifestyle guide.”

Ali Brown

The Worlds Most Recognized Business Coach for Women

“Take his advice. You are crazy if you don’t get the Performance Lifestyle system! It is rich with information. It has helped me a lot.”

Jeff Betman

Clinical Psychologist

“I used to keep myself very busy with multiple projects. I tried to “eat healthy,” but I wasn’t doing a great job. I fit in exercise when I could. The end result was more stress, worse health, and increased weight. Today, I’m a healthy high achiever and it’s all because I learned about the Performance Lifestyle system!”

Rosemary Davies-Janes

President, Miboso Personal Branding Consultancy

“I examined and upgraded my lifestyle. The performance lifestyle is realistic and practical for those of us who are up to achieving big dreams. I’m very happy!”

Alex Mandossian

Marketing Online

“John Allen will show you the greatest lifestyle mindset and skillset strategy on earth as you create a performance lifestyle; the one thing. I highly encourage you take his teletraining series. You will not be disappointed.”

my story

20 Plus Years and three million dollars

I’ve spent my entire 40-year working life as a business owner, and now a Performance Lifestyle Coach and entrepreneur. At this point, I understand what it takes to flourish, prosper and thrive, but I learned that the hard way after years of grinding and overachieving resulting in a lack of balance, psychological distress, and periods of burnout.

Step by step I’ve gotten free of the hidden lifestyle challenges distracting and holding me back from achieving their ambitious goal with my wellbeing intact. Starting with learning how to…

John Allen Mollenhauer

── free training ──

Begin Your Journey to a Balanced, Healthy, High-Performance Life—Strive and Thrive Together with Us!

Without Chronic Stress or Sacrificing Health for Success



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