Your Drive For Success May Be Crushing Your Health

Your Drive For Your Success May Be Crushing Your Health

Your drive for success may be crushing your health. This has been the theme of my work since the beginning and helping people put the supports in place they need to succeed, without burning out or trading their health for success.

This is the age-old dilemma, and it’s at the source of why people struggle on the path to success and sustaining the success they achieve; they simply don’t get their needs met in the process. Their drive for success, their ambition, outpaces their capabilities to recharge, and restore their body’s energy to full capacity; and this, leads to coping with stress in ways that create more stress, not more energy or success.

Endless busyness, poor energy management, and the lack of alignment between their drive for success, the way they live, and what they’re up to in the world, are what separate strivers, overcommitted underachievers, and high achievers, from becoming healthy high achieving people who thrive. The latter have high-performance lifestyles, all others are suffering significantly from performance addiction (comparing to others and trying to keep pace) and the addiction to performance (they have so much going on they’re barely hanging on).

Or, they are simply so ambivalent to the cost of being over engaged that they just cope, rather than setting up structures, and supports to ensure they are not burning out or trading their health for success, through optimal living.

What if your drive for success, was supported by the lifestyle that delivers high performance?

Well, you’d be living a different life if that were the case. Matter of fact, you’d be living optimally, and “optimal” within the constraints of your reality, would be normal to you.

It’s simpler than you think.

Unlike personal development, which is good, but endless with no defined principles and practices, and no overall strategy that one can point to that would let you know “you’ve arrived” and you’re getting better at it; a “Performance Lifestyle is a defined set of parameters that you can ultimately master.

It’s clear, it’s defined and it’s the very foundation that all your personal, and professional development depends on if you are going to get your needs met and live both a healthy and successful life.

Matter of fact; a performance lifestyle corresponds perfectly with Maslows Hierarchy of Needs, which is based on physiological, and psychological needs so that one can actualize and achieve their full potential. Albeit this hierarchy is a snapshot but not a full ‘in context’ picture of what those needs actually are or how to meet them.

It’s why we want to learn how to live high-performance lifestyles; so that we can learn how to live balanced and healthy, high achieving lives.

A healthy, high-achieving life is defined by actualizing and optimizing the way we live so that we can fulfill our mission and vision in the world. We all naturally have a drive for success and to fulfill our highest potential, which is coursing through us, grounded in energy, and experienced as spirit. But how do we ensure, that we have the energy and enable that creative spirit to fulfill our highest potential in the world?

Well, the answer to that is making you are living a high-performance lifestyle that is based on the fundamentals of energy, health, and human performance, most of which many of us have never learned anything about. And because we haven’t we not only don’t get in touch with our full potential, we don’t achieve it either, and it’s simply because we don’t know what it means to live our full potential.

That’s what Lifestyle Coach is all about, help you live your full potential, in a balanced and healthy way, so that you can do what you naturally wake up to be, and that is successful.


As “client zero,” JAM was desperate to develop “a practice of all essential lifestyle practices” to develop a better way to live and work. And in that process, assembled the principle, practices, and ultimately the 5 lifestyle strategies all healthy, high achieving people know and live by to thrive, so people like him could fulfill their God-inspired dreams with their health and wellbeing intact!

JAM is a leading Performance Lifestyle Coach and authority on living the High–Performance Lifestyle® with an online training community & academy that teaches people how to manage their energy like the pros.

JAM helps you get free of the hidden lifestyle challenges that distract and hold you back from living your full potential as you optimize the way you live for energy, health, and high performance. Performance Lifestyle Inc. is currently based in Livingston, NJ, where he and his team run RegenUS Center to help you restore your life force energy. For a complimentary strategy session with JAM or a Member of the Lifestyle Coach team, click here.

Learn how to live a balanced, and healthy, high-performance lifestyle you can call your own.

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