The 7 Mindsets of Healthy High Achievers

The 7 Core Mindsets of Healthy, High Achievers

There are 7 core mindsets healthy high achievers live by, that will change your life for the better forever. Sure there are more, but these are the core.

Note; they are habitual about these, but they are not habits per se. They are mindsets that are comprised of lots of habits.

For healthy high achievers, who know how to achieve even their most ambitious goals, in their life, family, career/business, sport, or creative pursuits, while living in balance with vibrant health and peace of mind…

  • Lifestyle development precedes personal and professional development as the foundation of forward-moving momentum in their life. In other words, the better they live the more energy they have the better health they have, and the more efficient and effective they are to function and perform better.

They move from one lifestyle routine to the next that supports their performance and there performance just takes off free of the distractions that hold most people back.

  • They manage their energy for life, and like the pros do. So if you’re wondering why all the stuff you are doing to be a complete and utter success, is leaving you constantly tired, burning out, and wearing out, coping with stress in ways that create more stress.

Understanding how to manage your energy is the crux of a performance lifestyle.

  • They master the lifestyle fundamentals and build their lifestyle around them; that way they’re not living one way (doing whatever it takes to be successful) and trying to solve it with another (a lifestyle that manages energy and promotes health etc).

    In other words, they don’t live one lifestyle that creates the disease and then turn to another to solve the disease. All the good stuff is built into the way they live.

Healthy High Achievers Don’t Make Goals Out of Any Aspect of Their Lifestyle

  • Healthy, high achievers get to the point where what’s good for them, their body, and their life, and taking them in the direction they want is what they desire, what makes them feel good, and what you can’t wait to do get even better. Everything else is the exception.

No aspect of your lifestyle is a goal, not getting sleep, eating healthily, or exercising… Healthy High Achievers see their lifestyle as how they achieve their goals, which are in life, your family, career or business, sport, or creative pursuit.

  • With this mindset, healthy high achievers are thinking the way elite athletes think, even if they’re not into sport or fitness enthusiasts, that’s why they are able to crush their goals, without getting crushed by excess stress and fatigue.

The reason you change, improve, and optimize the way you live is to steer clear of hidden lifestyle challenges that distract and hold you back, from what you’re living for at your full potential; which, is why you want to learn how to live a balanced and healthy, high-performance lifestyle.

The reason so many people don’t achieve their full potential is that they are not living their full potential. They simply, burn out and trade their health and wellbeing for success.

The Hallmark of Those Who Live The Lifestyle

  • Healthy high achievers live performance lifestyles, they are not to be caught up in the cultural performance addiction, the addiction to busyness, and going nonstop, which is a syndrome that can literally ruin and shorten your life.

Their hallmark is living a spirit-driven and Grace-full life where they are mostly free of the unessential’s (80-90% or more) and dialed into the essentials so they are able to achieve even their most ambitious goals while living in balance with vibrant health and peace of mind.

  • Healthy high achievers understand and can reflect back on why so many people struggle with energy, weight, and poor mental and physical health issues, including them at one point. They also enjoy helping others steer clear of all the “marketing” that is passed off as wisdom but is misleading people in the wrong direction.

Your performance lifestyle supports you and what you are up to in the world bridging the gap between your health and success and delivers a genuine quality of life.

How to put em’ in play…

You learn the lifestyle that all healthy high achievers live, to one degree or another and that’s called a “performance lifestyle;” a lifestyle that can be described in many ways. It’s a lifestyle that works for you, not against you, bridges that gap between your health and your success, and supports you and what you are up to in the world as a parent, in your career, business, sport creative pursuit.

So how do you get a balanced and healthy performance lifestyle in play?

  1. You get the blueprint that will save you up to 20 years or more of your time, energy, and money trying to figure it all out by yourself.
  2. You join the inspired community of achievers who are all interested in the results and transformation involved in becoming healthy, high achievers
  3. You join in on deep-dive courses within the community that we call “Academy” as they are delivered and fit your schedule so that you are not only inspired but educated and get grounded in the experience.

You can do all of that here. <<==

JAM is a leading Performance Lifestyle Coach and authority on how to live the HighPerformance Lifestyle® with an online training community & academy that teaches people how to manage their energy like the pros. As “client zero,” he was in desperate need of this “practice of all essential lifestyle practices” himself. He did what he had to do to develop a better way to live and work, and in that process, assembled the principle, practices, and ultimately the 5 lifestyle strategies all healthy, high achieving people know and live by to thrive to fulfill their God-inspired dreams with their health and wellbeing intact!

JAM helps you get free of the hidden lifestyle challenges that distract and hold you back from living your full potential as you optimize the way you live for the energy, health, and high performance you need to succeed and win in the second half. Performance Lifestyle Inc. is currently based in Livingston, NJ, where he and his team run RegenUS Center to help you restore your energy for life. For a complimentary strategy session with JAM or a Member of the Lifestyle Coach team, click here.

Learn how to live a balanced, and healthy, high-performance lifestyle you can call your own.

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