make your regeneration transformation part 3

Why Regeneration is the Foundation of Any Transformation? Part 2

< What is a Regeneration Transformation? Part 1

Think about this definition for a daily experience of regeneration.

You go to bed every night, sometimes feeling tired, sometimes as tired as an alcoholic feels drunk. You don’t drink or eat anything, you may feel fatigued as can be and yet, when you settle into that fatigue, no longer trying to “beat it”, you wake up, feeling at least a magnitude more energetic than when you fell asleep. And you probably have a whole new outlook to boot upon wake up.

That perspective on sleep and how it impacts the regeneration of energy, for instance, is very similar to meditation in the sense that, while there are countless forms of meditation, meditation is ultimately about ceasing activity; to not think, contemplate, act, do, etc. It’s about doing nothing and while you do nothing, meditation directs you to the place that is the foundation of everything.

True regeneration, as we pointed to in part 1, is not what all the techniques from foam rollers to massage, point to; it’s really about doing nothing and allowing the body to recover so it can generate new energy that will convert to ATP and enable mechanical work.

That’s the most practical form of regeneration; you are allowing the body the space and time to “re” regenerate ( or recuperate as people commonly say) its power, via restored electrons and protons crossing the gradients of your cells enabling voltage to be generated at a higher level in now resensitized neurons, with refreshed neurotransmitters and a whole cascade of quantum and physiological processes reset to can generate energy again as you are stimulated for higher performance activities. This is the also energy that heals your body/brain and prepares you for another surge forward in the world.

And without enough of that re-generation time and space balanced with activity, experienced during rest, recovery, relaxation, meditation or rejuvenation, often (not always) in a state of feeling tired, you can pretty much guarantee any therapy that will “enhance, the bodies natural healing powers” is going to be limited in terms of its effects. Healing is not usually stimulated, it’s more “prompted;” it’s called forth when the right conditions are present. And, those healing effects are going to be strung out over longer periods of time, if you have not regenerated your life force energy, and you are weakened by the lack of recovery time.

Not the subject of this article, but when you get grounded in the experience of regenerating your life force energy, many experience this as a spiritual rebirth as well, as they leave the world of the personal, of their thoughts and feelings alone. They experience the process of regeneration and the effects of what it feels like. It does more than lifting their spirit, they (we) become primarily identified with this energy as it’s experienced. And this “spirit” or a human extension of the intelligent energy of the universe itself, begins to be experienced as what we really are and it can change ones whole orientation to life.

Otherwise, knowing as enlightenment, we’ll save that INSIGHT for another time; but for now, this “enlightened” understanding of human energy is the basis of what I, as a coach, help driven, achiever-types get, so they can understand regeneration to better manage their energy to perform, optimizing the way they live in a Performance Lifestyle.

Without regeneration at the energetic and tissues level, frankly our body/brain would degenerate fast, and candidly, that’s what happens these days. Millions of people are overspending the in-finite (their energy) and not giving their body/brain the time it needs to regenerate the life force energy that is sourcing that which animates and illuminates us all.

From fatigue, cognitive impairment and physical deconditioning, to weight, health, and neurodegenerative diseases… the lack of regeneration is in play, evident in even the simplest acts such as drinking coffee, overconsuming food to stimulate oneself to get through a long day or turning to exercise to wake up a fatigued body. Let alone a driving reason why people turn to drugs and alcohol.

Is overeating a problem of nutrition? Sure it is, but nutrition is not usually the lone cause. One will overeat even healthy food if suffering from excess stress and fatigue.

So, regeneration, for the purposes of this article is focused mainly at the life force energy and tissue levels in ways many of us can relate to. And it’s possible, you have come to realize regeneration is only possible when you allow the innate intelligence of the body to do its thing unimpeded by outside stimulating forces.

The intelligence that creates tens of millions of cells every second, maintains trillions (yes, Trillions) of cellular communications (in each cell!) simultaneously (and that’s just for starters) all while you think through complex situations every day as you navigate the world; does not require many outside influences to work is greatest wonders.

To understand regeneration, you must at least appreciate that intelligent energy, that works at the quantum level, if you are ever going to understand regeneration as a human experience and its practical application in the material world. Science is getting sharp now at how to explain it more concretely, but foam rollers, stretching, movement, and even nutrition are too simplistic to do the subject any justice; and experiments on starfish are too disconnected from your experience to make it real.

Every day you are generating energy, and using your body, and then regenerating your energy and body to start the process all over again; yet the regeneration side of the equation is getting epically squeezed, compromising our ability to get up and go in today’s performance culture without external influences and the risk of mental and physical breakdown.

Too many of us are suffering from being constantly tired, exhausted and chronically fatigued and every other aspect of your lifestyle is, will be and remain challenged, including life itself, if this is stays true for you.

Now, you can learn how to break that pattern, and change that experience. You do so, by making a “regeneration transformation” with the most advanced protocol, or strategy for making a full recovery from fatigue and its effects on your life. Historically, the sheer magnitude of this idea has never even been clear. So few have even attempted it and those who have know it has not been easy. But here at Performance Lifestyle Inc, we are changing that.

Read: The Steps to Begin Your Regeneration Transformation Part 3 >



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