An Achiever
And You Want to...
Become a Healthy High Achiever Who Thrives
── You Want to Get Free of ──
Every Hidden Lifestyle Challenge That’s Distracting you and Holding You Back From Living with the Energy, Health and Performance You Need to Succeed
co-author of “the curse of the capable”
creator of the performance lifestyle®
HI, I'M John Allen Mollenhauer "JAM"
Even though we haven’t met yet, I bet I know a few
key things about you…
You have achieved a level of success in your business or career that most strive for, but few arrive at. Yet, inside, you feel like an extinguished version of your former self.
Your friends and colleagues think you’re relentless as you push on through fatigue like it was frivolous. They may say you work “tirelessly,” but you are tired.
You love your family, yet by the time all the demands on you are met, you’ve got little left for them, and you want to feel strong, on top of things, empathetic and fun again.
Your bodyweight is climbing, despite all the old “tried” methods for staying energetic and lean and your workouts are languishing because on most days it just feels like more stress.
You are seriously considering you’re staying power as an entrepreneur and business owner, yet deep down you know you won’t be happy having to give up your income, impact, and authority.
At times you feel lucky and try to convince yourself it’s all okay, it’s just your age, everyone’s dealing with that. Yet deep down you’re not happy and you know this isn’t sustainable and doesn’t end well.
You’re not willing to downward spiral prematurely.
If any (or all) of these describe you, I have news for you:
You’re not Alone...
I get you. I was you. And I’m here to tell you, it doesn’t have to be that way, even if you still flirt with exhaustion and fatigue every once in a while.
You no longer had to tow a stereotypical line that prevented you from getting your needs met.
You are no longer driven by one guru philosophy after another that all string together into a head-slapping WTF experience of endless energy output.
You are grounded in your true potential and for the first time in a long time, you feel yourself bouncing back, no longer depleting yourself by who and how you think you should be.
You can handle the inherent stress of your business or high-level career with grace and ease, not because you’ve learned “the 3 steps to awesome…” but because you’re grounded and free of curse of capable people.
You no longer feel the anxiety you’ve felt for years around being at peak all week, and you know how to get back there, even when you slow down.
Your temper is no longer short, you are more empathetic, and your partner and children feel invested into, not tolerated by you with nothing left.
You have the energy at night to read a book, talk with a friend, or romance your life partner.
You have a level of energy and health that is enviable, and you’re now ready to take on new challenges.
Now your success not only looks great on the outside—It feels great on the inside because you know you’ve got the life force energy you need to sustain your success.
You Could Have This Life in 2 Months.
How is this Possible?
Learn everything you need to know to get started creating this life for yourself in this free 45-minute training:
Success Without
There are five shifts that Men, and leading women, are making in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s to maximize midlife and achieve their ambitious goals,
Without tiring out, burning out or feeling worn out, and actually improving their health and longevity.
These shifts go beyond typical personal or professional “executive” or “performance coaching.”
How to completely beat chronic tiredness and fatigue and wake up energized and excited in the morning
How to eliminate burnout, even if every single day currently feels like it never stops
How to completely beat chronic tiredness and fatigue and wake up energized and excited in the morning
How to take guilt-free time off, switch off, and relax without worrying about what’s NOT getting done at work.
How to make energy anxiety a thing of the past, even if right now you’re working 50, 60, or even 70 hours a week.
How to look, feel and perform like a person 15 years younger, without reliance on expensive treatments or supplement regiments, crazy diets, or obsessive exercise programs; and have people ask what you’re doing to look so rejuvenated.
We’ve helped dozens of successful MEN and leading women, just like you become
Mark Epstein
Past President, Treasurer, National Health Association, Entrepreneur
“As an entrepreneur in the financial markets I don’t have a whole lot of time, I’ve benefited a great deal from the strategies in the Performance Lifestyle guide.”
Ali Brown
The Worlds Most Recognized Business Coach for Women
“Take his advice. You are crazy if you don’t get the Performance Lifestyle system! It is rich with information. It has helped me a lot.”
Jeff Betman
Clinical Psychologist
“I used to keep myself very busy with multiple projects. I tried to “eat healthy,” but I wasn’t doing a great job. I fit in exercise when I could. The end result was more stress, worse health, and increased weight. Today, I’m a healthy high achiever and it’s all because I learned about the Performance Lifestyle system!”
Rosemary Davies-Janes
President, Miboso Personal Branding Consultancy
“I examined and upgraded my lifestyle. The performance lifestyle is realistic and practical for those of us who are up to achieving big dreams. I’m very happy!”
Alex Mandossian
Marketing Online
“John Allen will show you the greatest lifestyle mindset and skillset strategy on earth as you create a performance lifestyle; the one thing. I highly encourage you take his teletraining series. You will not be disappointed.”
my story
20 Plus Years and three million dollars
I’ve Spent My Entire 40 year working life as an entrepreneur and business owner, and I Understand what it takes to thrive. By The Age Of 21, I had already run two businesses and started a chain of 60k square foot gyms.
I started multiple companies after that. I burned out by 2000, started again, thinking I had the problem licked, but didn’t. Burnout out again by 2008 but was better, and then again by 2017. Each time, I recovered faster, because I put more of the solution in place.