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Everything Can Change for the Better In a Holistic Lifestyle - Performance Lifestyle Coach | John Allen Mollenhauer "JAM"

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Everything Can Change for the Better In a Holistic Lifestyle

Everything Can Change for the Better in a Holistic Lifestyle because you are no longer talking about one aspect of lifestyle, you are talking about your whole life and style of living it.

In that context, what some may view as “excuses,” your reasons for why you “can’t” do something, or why you are “challenged” become doorways into the next part of the solution you need to know.

The reason I am saying that “everything can change for the better” is because when you have a bigger view, a wider and deeper lifestyle perspective dialed into changing, improving, and optimizing the way you live; you stop making more out of things than they need, or are qualified to be when we have too limited a view.

You also stop depending on reductionist views to resolve, evolve, and achieve desired outcomes, which require more.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1: 2-4 NIV.

That’s really exciting because for years, well-meaning health and fitness professionals (for which I was/am one) who specialize in one aspect of a whole lifestyle, such as sleep, nutrition, or fitness,…often reply with motivation to overcome such “excuses” as much as they rely on their proficiency in one or more aspects of lifestyle, but often don’t address those reasons to liberate that person. They gloss right over it.

The thing is; what many consider to be a “lifestyle,” is only part of a lifestyle.

For example; the trinity of health— sleep, nutrition, and fitness among many other aspects of lifestyle are only “aspects” of a whole-lifestyle. This is important to know because if you want to live healthily and successfully there is more to know; and that “more-to-know” is what gives you the capacity and ability to Eat, Move and Sleep well.

It’s why we must learn what a truly holistic lifestyle is, or what I like to call a “wholistic” lifestyle— even though it’s often dismissed as a misspelling of the original word.

The reason why is this; in the definition below, the meaning of holistic often stops at a “healthy life.”

See holistic vs. wholistic.

Holistic Lifestyle: holistic medicine or care aims to treat the whole of a person—body, mind, and spirit—rather than a singular bodily system or symptom. Thus, when we talk about a holistic lifestyle, we are referring to a way of living that enables an entirely happy and healthy life.

Conversely, to what is explained in the above link about holistic vs wholistic; I think it’s the reverse. Wholistic, includes the meaning of Holistic, which often refers to “health” and loses sight of the bigger picture of why we are living holistically. I think it should say this…

Wholistic Lifestyle:
includes holistic medicine or care aiming to treat the whole of a person—body, mind, and spirit—rather than a singular bodily system or symptom. But when we talk about a wholistic lifestyle, we are referring to a way of living that enables an entirely happy and healthy and successful life.

That is a wholistic lifestyle, and what I believe we should strive for.

Both holistic and wholistic make profound points and are heads and tales above the most reductionist views (views that analyze and describe a complex phenomenon in terms of the fundamental or constituent points.) that are not whole or complete. I don’t think anyone can fully capture what’s “whole and complete” one hundred percent, but we can see that eating, moving, and sleeping would be a reductionist view of the whole lifestyle nonetheless as there are many more known aspects of lifestyle.

Reductionist views dominate our marketplace (and yet still have their place) but too often leave people dismayed as they inevitably find they have to search for the rest of the solution, after thinking they had finally discovered it. Unfortunately, some never realize it, wrestling and potentially struggling with reality despite being competent in some essential aspect of lifestyle, like nutrition… wondering why they are not experiencing better and more sustainable results.

That’s why I am giving rise to a new view on lifestyle, that goes beyond the fitness lifestyle and a healthy lifestyle (which is a given), and emerging what’s called the Performance Lifestyle or High-Performance Lifestyle. It’s because people wake up to be successful every day, not to be balanced and healthy; that said, to have a high achieving life and thrive, we must live in balance, with vibrant health and peace of mind.


SCHEDULE A CONFIDENTIAL CALL with Lifestyle Coach JAM– Serious about change, improving, and optimizing the way you live? Let’s set a time and talk to each other about where you are and how I can help. It’s completely confidential. This call is the best way to get started, so your willingness to change meets expert support and guidance. You can call me right now at 862-216-7959 or choose a time for our call here using my online calendar>>>

About JAM.

John Allen Mollenhauer is known as John Allen or by his initials “JAM” is a leading lifestyle coach and entrepreneur, and an expert at helping other entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals achieve more through a healthy performance lifestyle—free of the hidden lifestyle challenges that distract and hold most people back; such as, pain and fatigue, overeating under-nourishing food, super busyness but physical inactivity, and unsupportive thinking among several others. Ultimately, he’ll help you align the way you live with your most important goals in life.

JAM is the founder of Performance Lifestyle® Inc in Florham Park NJ. With his team, he leads an online training academy and community that starts with helping achievers learn how to manage their energy like the pros do; and then, optimize the way they live for the energy, health, and high performance they need to flourish.

Also, an expert in Performance Recovery—the restoration of physiological and psychological processes—thousands of people have been inspired by JAM to proactively recover their natural energy and apply lifestyle-based strategies to regain the zest and zeal they’re used to having and more to increase joy, productivity, and of course their quality of life.

He is married with 3 children, loves to learn, apply, improve and share, and watch movies!


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